Reaching goals feels good, even if they are small and only a part of bigger ones.
When planning the training, I wrote down a progress in STA and DYN for every week that I hoped I would reach. And so far, it's going well. With two times past 5 min in static last thursdag and 6x75 and 2x100m during last week, I'm even a little a head the first plan. Especially the static was a big surprise, as it's been a long while since I've felt like I could do anything there. So this ment a big jumpt for the motivation and I'll just try not to get too eager...
Already I feel that my body is getting back in shape, and I've started to do more spesific training, preparing my body and mind for diving a bit longer. I do for instance 3x200m monofin kicking on the surface, but with small rubber fins and swimming on the back, which is training the back and stomack muscles. To train the legs, I often do sets of 50m dyn (8-16 times) with a limited break between.
Today I'll be training static again together with Sanne and Stig, and I'll see if I can make those 5 min again. On Wednesday it will be some DYN dives and swimming, Thursday another static session and on Sunday I'm planning a max dive. Wish me luck!
7 years ago