It feels a little strange to thing about the fact that 2009 will be my 3rd year competing in freediving. I'm sure it's gonna be fun, just check out what is on the schedual so far:
24.-25. january - Coupe des Dauphins (dyn, dnf and sta) situated in Geneva, Switzerland
21. february - Berlin Masters Cup (dyn, dnf and sta) surprisingly enough in Berlin, Germany
7.-8. march - Oslo Ice Challenge (cwt, cnf and fim), which will be the first competition in Norway and the first ever UNDER ICE! Check it out, it might be the most crazy and coolest experience this year..
Easter time - Hopefully another trip to the diving tank of the Norwegian Navy.
April - Dreaming of going back to Dahab for this years Bizzy Blue Hole. Last year was great!
Now I better go back and finish reading for today. Two exams left before I can leave the last semester behind me. Fingers crossed :)
7 years ago