I just found out I've got into university!!! So now it's for certain, on 1.august I'm moving to Aarhus, Denmark, to study molekular medicin and train freediving. Really, I can't wait:)
Oh, by the way. there can't be a university logo better fitted for a freediver than this one?
Aarhus is a good place to study and for sure to freedive! ;) congrats!
ReplyDeleteCongratulation from me too, baby. I told you, it'll all work out fine in the end...
ReplyDeleteYeye, Iknow. But still I had a hard time relax before everything was fixed... Thanks:)
ReplyDeleteDoes this mean you're finally going to grow a bit of a brain? That would be a true achievement in molecular medicine. And then you could study the Pyse-molecule. I'll volunteer as long as you don't handle pointy or sharp objects near me.
ReplyDeleteYes! Another mermaid has landed (or drifted ashore, or...). So WE'll see YOU in COPENHAGEN this autumn. Better sooner than later, but you are welcome anytime. Congratulations!
ReplyDeleteBRA SIDE elisabeth........
ReplyDeleteKjempe kult kommer til a savne deg nar du drar :(
er kjempe glad i deg
kos og klem fra din "lille" bror :)
Danny, don't worry! And Eva, it was about time wasn't it? So be sure I'll drop by that new appartment of yours. I don't mind sleeping on the floor:)
ReplyDeleteI really like the logo of you uni. Is that the real reason why you want to study there. Coz of the dolphins?
ReplyDeleteIt can't be a coincident...
That's a good sign for sure.
ReplyDeleteI was also quite happy with the logo of my university (Roskilde):
A coral
Motto: In stillness death, life is in the current
Wow, did you know your university's motto means "seek solidity in the deep"? Haha, go for bottom, that's what that means! Though apparently, bottom is not so deep in Denmark; still, try and haul all your bits and part back up from that world below, eh.
ReplyDeleteHei datter!
ReplyDeleteSiden dette antagelig er eneste måten vi hjemme i Norge vil kunne ha kontakt med deg, får jeg henge meg på.
Kuul logo på universitetet ja!
NÅ skjønner jeg hvorfor du valgte dette universitetet.
Det har blitt stille her allerede. Selv om vi det siste året har blitt vant til at du er mere i utlandet og under vann enn hjemme her, ble det litt ekstra stille da jeg kom hjem fra Aarhus.
Sol savner deg veldig!!!
(håper du får dårlig samvittighet og flytter hjem) he he.
Stor klem fra Eivind, mamma og pappa......og Sol, Solan og Kiro da.
Hei Elisabeth!
ReplyDeleteVi ser du har fått deg fin leilighet. Der vil du sikkert like deg.
ha det riktig bra i Danmark!
Klem fra mormor og bestefar
Hey I told you that you would get in to uni didn't I? Well done mate!
ReplyDeleteMore excuses to go to Aarhus now :-)
Ben Noble