Thursday, 26 June 2008

Plans for the summer

The summer is really getting started, and I'm ithcing for the holiday. These days I am busy reading for my last exam in Molecular Biology, but on Tuesday 1st July I'm going to Berlin and will spend a large part of the summer there with Martin.

My plans have changed a bit back and forth, and now it seems like I will be missing out on the Team World Championship. A new rule says that a team has to consist of at least two persons, and because I am the only Norwegian for the team, I can't go. I'm not the only freediver who's affected by this, and I really wonder what the reason behind the rule is. It closes out several of the smaller freediving nations, which I don't think is a good development for the sport.

Instead I might focus on Nordic Deep in Sweeden in August and the Europe Evolution Cup in Italy in October. Nothing further is decided yet, and I only hope to get to do alot of nice freedivning and training, and enjoy the time.


  1. Dumt med VM. Skulle gjerne hjulpet deg med et norsk lag. Kanskje neste år. Jeg blir jo veldig glad om du kommer til Nordic deep. Så blir jeg ikke helt alene der. Jeg drar dit på tirsdag. Ser ut til at jeg er den eneste fra OFK som drar så tidlig. Mulig Steinar og Roman kommer på fredag. Gleder meg til dynamiskvideo:-)

  2. Kanskje Roy og meg kommer til nordic for å kikke på i selve helga (finalene ?)
    kanksje kanksje :)

    Synd du ikke får vært med ! teit regel....

  3. Ok... Maybe you can tell me what the goats have to do with staying in Berlin.
    Do you want to go to the zoo, maybe?
