Tuesday, 15 April 2008

New Norwegian record: CWT 57m!

Today was one of those great days where people came up getting one white card after the other. The ocean was flat, no waves at all and the air was hot. At the last training session I reached 55m with air still left in my mouthfill, so I figured I could try to add a couple of meters to my pb and nr.

The dive started well. I lost track of my kick cycles a little bit, making me slower, but I got going better around 20m. When I reached the falling face, I managed to relax completely and only focus on the equalization and the mouthfill. Suddenly the bottom plate was already there, I grabbed a tag and kicked off upwards.

I was feeling very strong and good on the decent too, and the surface protocol was perfectly clean. Then I realized “wow, this was easy! I can do this stuff.” That is such a nice feeling and a boost for the confidence. Yes, I will go deeper and explore my capacity, and I will enjoy it along the way.


  1. Gratulerer Elisabeth! Dette var svært bra. Skal hilse fra alle oss hjemme i Norge. Lykke til videre. Vi følger med.

  2. Gratulerer så mye :)
    Heia Norge !

    Er dette norsk rekord for kvinner ? eller både kjønn.

    Lykke til videre der nede..
    Her er det 5 grader i vannet brrr.
