Wednesday, 22 August 2007

First day at Uni!

Waking up early again after a long summer break wasn't really pleasant, but I survived with the help of some hot coffee. I'd already had some problems getting around to the right places in Århus as I don't really know the town yet, but now I had a big university campus to cope with too! And the worst part is not the high amout of different buildings, but that they all look the same with their yellow brick stones and green surroundings.

It was a long day with welcome speeches, campus tour, buying books and learning the names of my fellow class mates. There's certainly a different feeling to this, but I really like the fact that I'm finally a student. And I must admit I even look forward to the first lectures after looking through one of the books I bought about human physiology. It's interesting! And for those of you who don't know (or don't remember the difficult name), I'm studying Molecular medicin.


  1. Hvilket språk er lærebøkene på? Hvor mange er det i klassa, og hvordan er kjønnsfordelingen?
    Er det flere fra Norge der?
    Hilsen mamma

  2. internal sources tell me that you've allready leared the two most important lessons, how to fall asleep in class and how to drink beer with fellow students (on campus!) on your first day! I like that! Keep it up... ;)

  3. Bøkene er både på dansk og engelsk, og det går nok helt greit. Har hatt er par forelesninger allerede (smakspræver), også på begge språk og det fungerer fint så lenge foreleserne ikke snakker for fort eller lavt... Men slik er det nok for alle.

    I klassa mi er vi 23 studenter, kun 3 gutter. Ingen andre fra Norge eller andre steder, så de synes faktisk jeg er ganske tøff som har flyttet helt ned til Danmark. Jaja;)
