Sunday, 4 November 2007

Time off in Berlin

After a couple of very intensive days of studying and finally the exam, I had a week of holiday! So I packed the tango shoes and the monofin and took the bus to Berlin and Martin.

Although we took it nice and relaxed, I got to do some nice training, both running and technic training with the previous coatch of the german finswimmer team. That was fun!

I also got a guided tour in Potsdam by Siri, a friend of mine who moved down there for half a year.

All in all it was a very nice week and I was not so happy to go home. There's things to look forward too though, like going back to Berlin next weekend for the freediving competition Long night of apnea :)

1 comment:

  1. Kult bilde :)
    Hvorfor var det ingen nordmenn/damer med i vm ?
